a life in photos

By fernridge


Another back blip from the show, but that's where I've been for the last three days! lol

Mr H and Larry did well again today, 1st in senior youth trail. Mr H and his friend Mr R decided they would be able to take on the world and beat anyone in the teams trail class - they were so full of themselves - they were gonna "kick arse" - so I told them to put their money where their mouths were, and shouted them the entry into the class. First teams trail event I've ever seen, and it was a hoot - two riders doing the same identical trail side by side, timed and with penalities for errors at obstacles. The result? two boys "kicked arse" and beat a lot of senior riders to win the event.

This photo is Mr H and Larry in the flag race, neither have done one before, but Larry as usual took to it like a duck to water, and while there wasn't a lot of speed, and Mr H had to get off when he missed the container at the end with the flag, they both enjoyed themselves, and got 6th out of 10.

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