The dentist's chair

... a 44 gallon drum and a couple a red doors for good measure. This is behind what's left of our High St.

Large is definitely best

A breezy location for a dentist. I wonder if you enter through one red door and leave through the other? ;-)

A lying low day for me. My neighbour told me about this dentist chair. I popped into town to take it as the demolition guys might have taken it tomorrow. It's hard trying to take photos through wire fencing. No diamond shaped fence at the expense of a small zoom.

Waitangi Day today when we remember the signing of New Zealand's founding document The Treaty of Waitangi between the Queen of England and the Maori Chiefs in 1840.

As always lots to celebrate and be grateful. We'd be the poorer without The Treaty, as well as much to ponder. As per usual the main stream media shows us and the world only a small and slanted slice of the days events.

Back to work tomorrow. I shall discipline myself to an early night.

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