Naming Days

By Leeleee

One Fine Wire

Im home, finally, and also finally pretty much caught up on my blips! :)
We got up early to leave and sun was just rising above the hill :)
These are raindrops on the the car <3
Im already planning weekends away and what not.
247 days until I can get my retstricted. According to my calcutlations. Its probaly wrong :)
Had the first soccer practice of the year today (the other one got cancelled).
2 and a 1/2 hours of physical activity. Havn't done that in a while.
Although I was dead and puffing within the first 15 minutes I actully really enjoyed it. I like running around and having to be awake and alert and stuff-even if you are really reaaallly tired. I played alright, I faded in the last 10 minutes though. I ran out of wateer.
School tommorrow.

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