Life with our boys

By Lifewithourboys

"I can tie my shoes" ( as mom sighs...FI

So I admit we've been a bit behind on teaching (forcing) Carter to tie his own shoes. He's in the first grade and we've been "encouraging" him to practice which he would refuse. Suddenly yesterday he decided before school he wanted to tie his own shoes. While I was thrilled he wanted to, I couldn't help but cringe since I was watching the clock knowing we would be late to school if he took too long. He studied his shoe laces carefully then went at it and what do you know ... HE TIED HIS OWN SHOE! We were all excited and he made me take a picture of it with my cell phone and send it to dad and several members of our family. He was so proud.

Today when he went out to play I suggested he just wear his slip on shoes but he was bound and determined to wear tennis shoes and tie his own laces again. He did great and mastered it. Here he is on Day 2 of knowing how to tie them himself taking a little break from his scooter so he can readjust the laces.

He's growing so fast!

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