We have just had a viewer for the flat. the first in months. they seemed to like the flat. What if they want to buy the flat? At times like these I would like someone to make decisions for us. I had forgotten the flat was for sale. I love the flat. It is not big enough. Where shall we move? Should we sell the flat? Maybe we can rent and take a year off and buy a camper and learn French. Oh dear. Do we need to own property? Am I obsessed with owning property? I think so. Maybe we should keep the flat and rent another flat. Yes. Or. Maybe we can live in the flat forever. It's not that big, but it's not that small. Maybe we should sell the flat.

Goodness. I am in a panic.

Apparently stamp duty is back in fashion. What does it mean? Stamp Duty? Shite.

Rum is the only way. Oh yay.

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