Red Flash

By RedFlash

Squizzle in the Snow

Having worn my walking boots to work there really wasn't any need.

Also it was milder than I had anticipated so I was wearing too much.

And for once the building maintenance people had been prepared for the cold weather and the office was toastie.

The snow coverage over the weekend had been somewhat sporadic. People on the train who lived just south of Winchester had not seen any and some people in the London area couldn't get in because of the quantity of snow.

As we thought that the squizzles might be hungry, we went to Bunhill Fields with the monkey nuts.

The one in the pictures was very tame and very cooperative but there was another who was happy to take the nuts but who I was unable to capture with the camera.

It was a hard choice between the one that you see

Or this one?

Or maybe this one?

I made to the Spotlight twice last week - thank you everyone

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