
By sp33dway

level up

catchup from last wednesday starts here

ladySp33d started her new role today doing proper lab stuff in the haematology dept of the local hospital where she started work last october. she was nervous as hell but came home with her boat truely floated so all is good, especially since the pay is better and the hours are better and she no longer has to put up with a certain unsavoury sort telling her how to do something she could do better even with her eyes closed. it's still nowhere near on a par with what she used to do, but part-time beggars can't be choosers.

these are the stairs taken from the top that lead up from 'bytes', the eatymeetygreety place (at the dotcom place i'm currently stinting) they call forwardslash home when something needs discussing over fresh coffee or delicious scran.

a toughishly straightforward day, if that makes sense: juggling filenames and first-time-failed delivery messages with last-minute illustrator changes and backsaving for older software in an attempt to have the artwork signed off by 12, all files backed up in their rightful place and me home by 1.
(i eventually left just before five - easily tollerable thanks to my mum stepping in for all-day littleA duty but inconvenient nonetheless given that it meant we wasted paying for a nursery placement this afternoon and i could've got something delivered to somewhere else for a job i did last week.)

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