Mirror Image Landscape

So we set off early today for our drive up to Skye...

First off it was very misty so it didn't look good for a spot of sight seeing/photography...

Once past Loch Lomand the fog became much patchier and once we hit Rannoch Moor it was glorious! The sun was shining, it all looked so amazing...... I wish Andrea was there to enjoy it with us, you would have loved it !

I can't remember the last time that I was so torn with what to blip..... ( I wish I had so many excellent shots to chose from everyday!) I have been going back and forward looking at at least 6 shots that I am very happy with and simply cannot decide what one to go for so I closed my eyes and picked it .......

I am now sitting in the hotel in Portree after a very nice meal with my folks, enjoying a Tobermory Single Malt, the wifi is a bit patchy so once I get home I will upload all of the other shots..... I don't know if I've chosen the right one..... so it may change!

Edit : Sorry Cymbeline.... I told you I would change it !

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