Blue Tit on feeder

Reading all of your comments yesterday really made me feel privileged to belong to this community. So thank you so much for your comments on yesterdays 500th blip. I began the day by reading and replying to lots of people though I've still a few to go and enjoyed myself discovering new lives and happenings as well as catching up with people who I've lost touch with recently.

The other highlight of the day was watching three buzzards calling to one another and circling and wheeling up above. Needless to say I didn't manage to get an image that was worth sharing.

From then on the day went a little downhill, though I have to confess to being a little indulgent with my new camera and telephoto lens. I've been trying it out on birds in the garden and I'm not entirely happy with what I can do with it or with how it handles. It was second-hand and the guy who sold it to me said to use it for two/three weeks, then if I'm not happy I can choose again and not lose financially.

I've also been making further suggestions to our architect, though I'm not sure why I'm the one who's coming up with the suggestions! Some of them seem to me to be at the core of what we are employing an architect for. A draughtsman would have been much cheaper! At least we have plans to make suggestions about. It's all a little disappointing because the position of the current bathroom window is determining the re-splitting up of the space and we don't really want to go down the route of moving the window as I think it would need a planning application.

I was planning an afternoon walk as it was sunny over lunch time but just as I was about to set off the cloud loomed in and a very cold damp descended.

Needlessly to say I had a change of heart and stayed in by the fire instead. So here I am posting my blip a little earlier than usual.

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