Views of my world

By rosamund


It was quite bright in Gourock this morning but was very cold and foggy in Barrhead.

It's getting quite exciting at work as we have just received an Awards for All grant to start our Forest School, most of the morning was spent sorting out resources and in the afternoon Sheena and I went to Go Outdoors and B &Q for all manner of kit. As I was passing the Barrhead Dams on my way to the bank for ours hopping trip I paused for a moment to take some photos to avoid another yarn shot tonight. I didn't get anything particularly exciting but I liked the overall frosty scenery of this one.

I managed to get home in daylight for a change but only just, it won't be long until I can actually get some nice blips either on the way home or after dinner, I'm really looking forward to it.

Freya got her school report today, it contains words like excellent, flourishing, conscientious, perceptive, confident, outgoing, enthusiastic, mature and focussed! I'm so proud, especially as she will soon have to make her choices for 3rd year and exams but it seems like she has all options open to her in every subject which is great.

New neighbours moved in upstairs today which the kids are excited about as there are 3 children aged 8,10 and 15 who they have met already and seem to be firm friends.

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