1 down....

28 to go.

2 blocks of swiss chocolate (courtesy of a golf colleague)
2 blocks of turron (nougat) from carrefour
The rest courtesy of Mum =
5 crunchie bars
5 ordinary mars bars
5 triple choc mars bars
7 snickers and
2 kit kats.

we have already eaten some of the chocolates. The reason for so much is that when I was in the UK I raided mum's fridge, she buys chocolates puts them in the fridge and doesn't eat them, they then go 'out of date', so I brought them home and Roy (and I) are eating them. We usually take a bar of choc with us on golf days, it's a good job we play twice a week.

We spent 3 hours at the clinic today, Roy went for his ECG , he then had a 1.15pm approintment to see the Dr so the results could be analysed, we eventually got in to see the Dr at 2.30pm, he apologised profusely. He was very thorough, spent ages looking at the ECG print out, checked it against Roys last ECG/treadmill test, took Roy's pulse and heartrate, he obviously wasn't happy, as he is going to consult another Dr at Torreveija hospital and we have to go back next week. Roy has a 'slight' arythmia, hopefully nothing to worry about. So watch this space.

Last night I ate the crunchie bar AND had a couple of glasses of wine, naughty, naughty.

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