Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

High level phone call

a) Buy!

b) Sell!

c) Did you see the match last night?

d) Shall I pick up a curry on the way home?

e) You're fired!

f) Please don't fire me!

g) Hold on, who's that dodgy looking character down there with a camera?

h) Other

I spotted this man on the phone four floors up in a smart office block - who knows what he was really saying?

In any event he saved me from blipping a shot of my fellow would-be bus passengers as we huddled together for warmth on a freezing and foggy morning in a repeat run of Friday's experience. I waited 45 minutes today whilst 2 buses sailed past completely full and at least one other bus failed to show... I'm not at all impressed!

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