Birthday Celebrations
Evening all
Today was the day Mini G entered our lives.......a whole year ago, hard to believe already!! ;0)
We went to hers when she opened her eyes, in our jammy's and watched her open her presents....or should I say, play with the wrapping paper while her Mum opened the pressies !! We had brekkies there .....nice move Elder G....."Dad could you give me a hand to cook I dont want you to do it, just help cause its a bit much for me..."
I cooked the breakfast .......she was gone faster than lightening!!! ;0)
We took Mini G to 'Play Planet'...her first ever experience of a kids play centre....she loved it !!! Ball pit was a huge hit as was going to the areas for older kids.......rebel !!!! ;0)
We went and fed the ducks and swans on the way home then we met up with Great Granny, Sister in law and her family for a meal out !! Delicious !!! And more cake too!!!!! ;0)
On the way home we went to the shore where we lit 2 lanterns for 2 very special people who are sadly no longer with us but are in our thoughts and in our hearts forever. My Mum and Mamma G's Dad. We lit them, made our wishes, shared our thoughts with them and watched them till they disappeared.
Have a great evening ;0)
TTFN ;0)
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