
By PrimeMart

This is NOT a Series!

2 nights running out late shopping....... arghhhhh.

This is definitely not the start of a habit or a blip series.

The crowds at The Mall were rather subdued, and shopping in your PJ's????

Jane Withers would have no where to hang her handbag on these 3.

Whilst in M&S we did strike lucky a lucky vein following Mr Reduction around with his bright yellow 10p reduced stickers.

At one point it looked as though 'other people' were making a lunge for the 10p Mexican Bean wraps, so Tracey cunningly stalled their progress by sacrificing a 10p Sicilian yoghurt. She threw dropped it on the floor creating a slipping hazard which forcing a temporary diversion which enabled her to fill her basket with 10p bargains!

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