7/29 rusty?

Got me thinking about how rusty I am at a lot of things. At playing piano. Bass. Painting. Cycling. Languages. Programming. HTML. Ugh. Too many things, no time being spent on them, knowledge getting stacked up on shelves in my brain to go rusty or gather dust - I'll probably start sneezing next time I have to do any of the above.

But I'm getting less rusty at other things these days. Baking. Hurrah! Um... that might actually be it... ah well....

Today. Breakfast in the sunshine in the living room. (Mummy, I say cheese! Mummy!!) Then tots, quick lunch at home, and then MILK! group this afternoon. Poorly children (both snotty and tired) - one of whom has been a proper grump today. Apart from smiling for me at breakfast! Hopefully as he's gone to bed fairly early (for him) he might get enough sleep tonight and be the pleasant child he keeps insisting that he is tomorrow. The other has not been especially happy either, he can't blow out all his snot so he ends up swallowing it which in turn leads to major pukage which never particularly impresses him. He's also slept a lot but I don't know if this is unusual because he's usually in the wrap and today for some reason I kept taking the sling off so he ended up sleeping on my shoulder a lot which in turn rendered me a bit useless.

The craft this morning at tots was decorating biscuit hearts with pink icing and sprinkles. Ben went and joined in happily but when I went over to see what the craft was he decided he wanted me to do everything instead which I don't think was the point... But he/we made a decent effort and he ate most of the icing this afternoon. (Note, not the biscuit. Typical.) Charley had a brief spell on the floor until his face crumpled and I remembered he'd done a poo. I had coffee and cake with THE most delicious icing on - not too sweet, and not too greasy either. Very impressive!

Lunch was well accomplished, and after quite a lot of herding we got out to the car to go out for the afternoon's group.

Funny - even though it's a breastfeeding support group, it's one of the places I feel most uncomfortable nursing Ben. I almost feel like I don't want to be noticed because I don't want people asking questions or thinking I'm amazing (one comment I got today) for feeding two. I'm not especially, it kinda just happened. I didn't discourage the tandemness, and yes ok I was more than a little curious to see if I could, but I think weaning Ben is going to either take a LOT of effort or he'll just do it himself when he's ready, like learning to use the toilet or urinal instead of a nappy.

Ben was fidgetting at the end as I was getting his coat on, but denied needing a wee, so we went out to the car. No sooner had I got Charley into the car than Ben pipes up "Ineedawee ineedawee" so pants down, wee on the floor behind the car and it wasn't just a wee that came out. I still can't believe he did that. Good job wipes and bags were handy. So unimpressed about that.

Dinnertime: meatballs and pasta with whisky gravy (no whisky gravy for Ben). We told Ben he couldn't sit at the table or have any pasta, and that he really wouldn't like the meatballs and couldn't possibly eat them. So he ate nearly everything - only running away when a tissue was procured to wipe his nose. I asked if I could finish his pasta and he yelled back NO!! at me several times. Then when I'd had a slice of bread to mop up my (and Steve's) gravy he came back in to say I could share his pasta. By which time I didn't want any so he got upset that he couldn't share them with me!! Gah that boy is exasperating at times!!

Chocolate pudding for supper and then time to risk life and limb climbing up stepladders to get close enough to these rusty old nails sticking out of the wall opposite our bathroom, while Charley has conversations with Squeaky Sheep on the sofa as daddy watches some movie about war.

Bedtime soon - thank goodness.

Family life. Not rusty :)

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