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By Sidhion

Mandelbrot set - kind of

spend most of the day programming or helping others with their programs. It was both nice and frustrating as I cant really do the code for them, but explaining it is also quite hard, especially if you and they don't understand the code that they have written. :P

Did manage to get some of my own coding done and this is basically the outcome of my code at the end of the day. It looks really cool I think, but its sadly not what I'm supposed to get (this is what it should look like ). (Also sorry for the bad photo, taking good pictures of an LCD screen isn't that easy I find, especially if you are trying to hide the fact that the screen needs cleaning)

Will continue working on it tomorrow, hope I can spot the error in all the complex maths and logic...

Also went to the student group of the church I have been checking out during January and it was quite nice. Working through chapter 3 of the amazing book of Ephesians. I'm still not sure if I should continue going to it or if I should leave it for the time being.

Looking forward to my day off tomorrow, been really tired lately and the cold I have is not really helping.

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