Lifts, eyes and fringes

Beau offers lifts in a car park on the way to have his eyes tested.

A couple of kids in his class have recently been prescribed glasses and he wondered if he might need some too.

At first he screwed his eyes up until he resembled a half-blind squirrel and then got much more cooperative as the test wore on and the reality of glasses became less appealing.

When I was Beau's age I wanted glasses.

And a broken arm.

And braces.

I think it was an attention thing.

Beau likes attention.

The lady in the greengrocers said my hair looked nice today and then went on to tell me how she used to have a big fringe. She said that on her first date with her husband (circa 1980) she told him not to touch it. Was that first base in the 80's? If so, I imagine second base could have been touching shoulder pads?

Can anyone remember?

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