Upon reflection...

Yup, I admit it I am a sucker for suchlike.

We went to the Clickery for the weekly battery changing session and to ''catch up on the crack''.
While She who must be obeyed was chatting to ''Ethel'' (Name changed to protect the innocent. I had forgotten her name, in the first few days, and she said ''Oh, Ethel will do.'' and it stuck)
I prowled the shop and simultaneously heard that Clicky has Optical Lurgi. While prowling, ever the nosey old @£$%^, I spotted this reflection.

What caught my eye is that...
A) I was inside the shop looking out.
B) The reflection was the right way round and the right side up.

I reckon I was seeing a reflection, in the globe, of  a reflection in the glass at the back of the shop-window.

I didn't crop it more so you can see I am in looking out AND still haven't a clue how to Photo-phiddle it.

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