I Wish I Could Do This ...

I wish I could do this while drinking tea and eating a cake... I can't but Henry can.

I'm going to take a few days off from blip now, altho' rumour has it I'm normal I'm NOT on the thyroid front and it occurred to me 'Why am I banging my head against a brick wall and posting?' answer? Pure habit, so I will obviously still take pictures but will have a bit of a rest from posting with 2 matchsticks propping my eyes open and the deep sense of guilt for not commenting ...I love you all and don't you lot go away ...see ya XXXXXXX

STOP PRESS EDIT ...Ed's girlfriend Sarah has been accepted at School Of Oriental and African Studies in London to do International Studies and Diplomacy
Way to go Sarah CONGRATS and wooohooo :)))))

and a furthur EDIt that genius Solzhnyetizen (sp?) had died :( if you haven't read his books I urge you to ...Strongly take-your-arm-and-twist-it-around-your-back-urge you too

BYE :)

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