Flower tea

This is the most delicious tea. It comes in a tightly packed ball made of silver needle green tea, with chrysanthemum, jasmine and globe amaranth. The flowers are sewn into the ball and, when the ball is put into boiling water, it unfurls slowly, releasing the flowers. There are all sorts of designs - this one is an arch of flowers. It was quite a talking point in the office where a colleague and I shared a pot of the stuff in the afternoon.

I did something embarrassing today. I missed my stop on the train (I wasn't asleep, I was reading) and ended up on a train full-pelt to St Albans, which is nowhere near King's Cross. I was an hour late for work and arrived to an email from a colleague that said: 'This will be useful for any future excursions.' followed by the web address for the St Alban's tourist board. I'm not going to live that one down! I'll keep my wits about me tomorrow morning.

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