
By earthdreamer

Solitary in the Snow

It's really only just occurred to me today how little I've travelled since my blip journey began. This is blip number 284 and to date all of 279 of those have been taken within walking/running/cycling distance of where I live or work. Only 3 blips have involved a car journey. All the rest have been taken at places reached under my own steam from home or the office or where I've been staying. I think I have quite a small environmental blipprint!

Anyway, this is leading up to telling you that tomorrow's blip won't be local, and will involve a train, a plane and a car! My blipprint is set to get a fair bit bigger. I wonder how many of you can guess where I'm going to be? I suspect quite a few will already know! You'll find out soon enough.

I had hoped to have an easier day today but it hasn't worked out like that. Always seems to be the case before I go away. I ended up working from home so as to get a few errands done and took a run this afternoon through Middleton Woods and up on to the hill which sits to the north of Ilkley. It's strange that the moor doesn't have much of a covering of snow at all, but the woods and fields on that side of the valley are still well covered. It was really beautiful. I guess this is a trademark shot almost to the point of being a cliché, but I must have at least one solitary tree in the snow in my journal!

Have a lovely evening. Off to check-in code and pack! Must remember the camera!!

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