
By HelenaRose


My hunch is that everyone is looking for something.
Certainly this guy at Edinburgh Zoo was.

No matter how much people pretend they have it all together, there is always that something; a nagging feeling, deep within, that there must be something more.

What you do with that nagging is up to you.
Some disregard it, some block it.
But I've learnt from experience that, one day, the nagging will get too much, too loud, and you end up giving in.
Seek. And you'll find that there is so much more to life than what is seen.

I found joy, peace and patience.
And, most phenomenally:
I found grace.
Grace issued from a Father who loves me unconditionally and perfectly.

If I found it, then you can too.
So maybe it's worth being a seeker.
[And that's not a Quidditch seeker, although that too, would be awesome!]

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