Nora Berghoff

By nberghoff

Happy Cactus

Honestly, I think the cactus is the only one who is happy with the current weather situation here. It's growing and growing...

It has been SO hot in the last week or two. I shouldn't complain, because up to this point, it had not been too bad, but the last week or so was insane. I think we exceeded 100 F by far every single day. Ugh. It was 104 yesterday, and felt more like 110 F. For all metric people, 104 equals 40 C.

The newest tropical storm is supposed to hit TX tomorrow, and I really, really hope we'll get some rain. The weather people said it was supposed to "cool off". By that they meant it would drop down to about 95-98 F (35-37 C)....yay.

I am very grateful for A/C. So, so grateful.

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