MissTracy Photography

By MissTracy

Wave Arc

Kept getting splashed by waves cresting over the wall to get this shot! They kind of creep up on you and before you know it you're covered in spray! You move away, then edge back and just when you think all is safe and start clicking away, one gets you from behind again!

It was an 'angry' sea, as you can see, so I stopped off on the way home to get a few quick shots of the waves splashing over The Spa sea wall. I think the sea looks fab when the waves are huge!

Got a flyer from work to take my car to the garage, or I wouldn't have got this as it would have been too dark. The last of my tyres received a puncture...two nails. I think the lads in the yard must throw nails and screws around like confetti, I have had all of my tyres renewed now since November! I shall be having words......

Bigger Waves!

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