Colin Parte

By ColinParte

The Godfather

I would be *so* there for this event if I wasn't attending my own birthday party that night, dagnammit! My sister in law celebrates her 60th in the same week as I hit 50 and there's a 30+ strong crowd of us, going for a meal out in a local eatery. I've never seen The Godfather on the big screen - I wonder could I pull a sickie on the party?*

Talking of Big Screen movies; my first trip to the cinema was to see Jaws in 1976 with my dad and brother - I was 14. What film did you watch on your first trip to the movies?

*I'm joking Kirsty!

I think I've thanked everyone for their kind comments, wishes and hearts and stars on the occasion of my 730th on Monday - feeling rather overwhelmed by it all. Thanks again!

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