New Camera - gonna use it

By LubyLoo

In the Gods!

Today had all the hall marks of a truly crappy day. My job is really hard at the moment and after a few days of inactivity 'they' decided it was time to crash my diary for 2 days and I suddenly had enough work today for 3 days.

While on some fronts I am face only with idiots and feckwits, I am very lucky to have a brilliant team around me. So, while Danny made sure I had all the info I needed, my lovely friend Debbie booked us tickets to see All New People at the Manchester Opera House tonight. This was genius on 2 fronts.

1. It forced me to get organised and make absolutely sure that I was out the office door by 6.30.

2. Play was really enjoyable. Was a complete escape from crappy work issues for 2 hrs.

If you get chance to see the play as it tours the UK then definitely go. It stars Zac Braff ( from Scrubs) and also Gwen from Touchwood. Only 4 actors in the play and they were all good.

We were definitely in the cheap seats and this blip hopefully shows just how close to the roof of the theatre we were.

I do have blips for last 2 days - on my camera so will catch up on Thursday night when I get back home.

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