wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg


Today I had work. It was work. I like my work but not the whole office thing. The evidence grows ever stronger that I should not go into any job that involves long periods of desking. But this evening I had dinner with lovely people - all my law friends who are still in the state. Which makes 7 out of 11 at the moment, but that's going to go down by a few in a month or two. Still we had a yummy dinner, went for icecream, walked around the docks, and then it was home time.

And that was Thursday. Tomorrow's Friday, I have no idea what I'm going to do at work tomorrow since I seem to have finished everything I can finish before talking to people in meetings next week, so for now I shall reply to emails in an efficient and well considered manner, and follow up on things that might not quite need following up yet. I might also work on writing shorter sentences that don't rely on commas quite as much to make sense, since that can sometimes appear a little long-winded and pompous, although that may be a matter of opinion - judges write pompous long-winded judgments and generally avoid punctuation completely, so obviously it is not the comma that maketh the pomp.

Night now.

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