
By Serap

February Challenge - Portrait

Ergh, today's blip is making me cringe! I've done a couple of partial sp's before, and one underwater, but nothing quite so... in your face as this before. Sad thing is, I actually haven't seen anyone else today. We work from home, and I've had a lot of work on, so not been out, and no-one popped in. I did ask Mark if I could use him for a portrait, but he immediately said "NO"... followed by "I'm hungry.... and it's winter". Inexplicable but true! So I set about trying to get a self portrait when I was having a coffee in the kitchen earlier. It is so hard! My face just didn't seem to know what to do with itself, and I kept coming out looking like I'd smelled something bad! So, this was the only one I kind of liked, even though it is far too close up and I don't have photoshop to iron out the bits I don't like. I told Mark I thought it was cringy and he helpfully responded "a self-portrait is always going to be cringy". Ergh!

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