
By sas05

dont blame me ....

if ya dont like this one....the jurys is most def out on this,, i suppose ill have to let you be the judge of it !!had a choice of 4 blips today.. a day which started way too early for me,, 330 out of bed then to farnborough,, took a few nice pix of lanterns there.. back to basinsgstoke,then pick up another truck then out to Bath,, went past a neat feild of last years corn,, just rotting in the feild,, took another neat one there and also one that could best described as erotic vegatable and im sorry not brave enough to put it on here ! then to this piccie on the way back with failing light and the horse silohetted against a tree in the back ground.. so put it through the blender and heres the result

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