A year in the Liefe of

By LainieC

French Quarter at a Trot

BIG DAY TODAY.It was the day we met up with my baby girl and joined her on our week long cruise on Voyager of the Seas, along with some 3, 200 other passengers and 1,300 crew members.
Couldn't wait for daylight to break.Couldn't wait for her arrival either, so went down to reception to be at the ready. Who should be already there but Leo and her boyfriend Scott.Seems she couldn't wait either.
We planned to take them on the customary buggy ride round the French Quarter, as by the time the crew disembark each week, there time in the town is limited.This seemed like the ideal way for the pair to see what was on offer.Our driver was very laid back and had many an amusing story to tell.They must all have their spiel off to a fine art.Howard had been doing the same route for some twenty odd years.He not only knew the history of New Orleans like the back of his hand, he also seemed to know every single person we passed by.Shopkeepers came out to say goodmorning, offer us goodies and crack a joke with us.Such welcoming people.
We boarded the Voyager of the Seas shortly before one o'clock and went straight to lunch.Let the gorging begin!
Our stateroom was beautiful and spotlessly clean.Before doing anything, we had to take part in the mandatory drill, which was the one and only time I had a quick panic(I have always had an extreme fear of water)but this baby was sooooo big, I felt safe in her care and in the arms of the captain and crew.Sail away was soon under way and we waved farewell to our Royal Caribbean friends on the quayside.
Leo gave us a quick tour of the ship and all it had to offer.Honestly,it is hard to believe how these huge ships stay afloat.It was like a palace afloat .Lots of photos to be taken here.
Back to our cabin for an exchange of gifts.Leo tried on her new dresses , dance and sportswear and Scott his new undies,hoping to start a new fashion by fitting them snuggly over his trousers.Very fetching.
In the evening, we went to dinner in one of the three huge dining rooms 'La Boheme.'First impressions?That massive crystal chandelier was the same one as on Titanic!!Fortunately for us it was situated directly above the Captain's table! Another quick panic that was soon forgotten when our attentive waiters catered to our every whim.Great food but I have to add that the pastry chef deserves a special commendation from this connoisseur of fancies.
Just time to attend the Welcome aboard show in the theatre, which had the capacity to hold some 1,200 people twice nightly.Seeing my baby girl perform was enough to bring the first of many lumps to my throat.She is such a natural on stage. A good day was had by all .
-----and so to bed!

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