Languedoc Daily

By BrodieB

Cinema Paradiso

Last night I went to the cinema. Every so often, here in Roujan, they screen a film in the Salle de Peuple beside the mairie. Last night it was "The Artist" and about 70 of us braved the arctic winds to sit in the stacking chairs and watch black and white images washing over the back wall. What I like best is the big projector near the door. The light flickers and flashes on and the machine gears up with a whup, whup, whirr, whirr, tickety, tackety, tockety and off we go. I love the sound of it and the feel of the film passing over the sprockets frame by frame.

The ticket says Agde but it doesn't mean it. Roujan obviously bought a roll of tickets from the cinema there as it isn't rich enough to have its own. I very much like the idea of being audience member No. 689.

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