Early or late

I don't do early. I'm on time when I need to be, try to be on time when it's polite and not outrageously late for the rest.

If it involves flying I don't do late or on time. I do early.

On time is desirable, sometimes necessary but there are times when a bit late is fine. The skill is in knowing the difference.

The hunter does early or on time. Mostly he does early.

"I'll be in 5.30 - 6.00".

That means he'll arrive some time between 5 and 5.30.

"You're early!" she says in what could be interpreted an accusatory tone.

"It's good isn't it?! I'm here!" he says, proud of his achievement.


It's a beautiful clock and I hope it has a future.

Another productive day at work and I won't be back until Wednesday. Lots of after work errands achieved, fhlf the house is presentable, 2 apricot and plum pies baked and I'm fed and watered.

1 more big sleep until I'm at the hunters.

2 more big sleeps until m Arthur's Pass trip.


I may not have an opportunity to post a blip again until next Tuesday or Wednesday.

Note the time on the clock: 12.50pm Tuesday 22 February 2011. That's when the thing on top bent and stayed wonky.

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