Impressions 2 Expressions

By Terence

Time passes by in the blink of an eye..

Two lousy days in a row.. Sad..
I put up with this not because I have to, but because I want to.

Sometimes small things just get blown out of proportion so easily. Sometimes we wonder why do people treat strangers with such courtesy yet have no tolerance towards the people close to them. Why are people willing to go the extra mile for others yet when it comes to people close to them they just expect them to understand.

I always assume the worst but hope for the best.. I always expect less but believe that you would try to do more.. Sucks to be me that I'm usually wrong.. You always feel that i'm saying mean stuff but never understand my true intentions.. There are two sides of a coin but you just choose to see the one facing you..

I life we just have to suck it up and spit it out.. We get hurt because of expectations.. Expect nothing and never get disappointed, time has passed in a blink of an eye and I have forgotten this theory. I'm sorry for expecting anything from you..

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