Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Early morning discipline

Nothing like being given a good telling off by a cheap avatar in cyber lycra. Not my fault. Every day I do my best but I'm 53 years old and didn't start taking care of myself until I was in my mid forties. Anyway I am six feet three inches tall and it's a well known fact that lanky geezers can't balance as well as short blokes with a low centre of gravity.

I do my Wii yoga nearly every morning and go on the elliptical trainer most evenings. Some days I really don't want to but I'm always glad I did. I have the same approach to getting out of bed...

Such a full on day at work. I lost count of the number of questions and queries I had to deal with. Have to do a bit of work this weekend. Then a few days off. Bliss...

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