My quiet space

By JuliaS

Tree on a hill......

Today I have finally managed to get out in the snow with my camera....

I dropped Tara at school and then went for a bit of a drive with Hari. We ended up at the woods where we like to walk and I left Hari with Daddy at the office for 10 minutes - long enough to get some nice pictures and get freezing cold ;0) ...... then a few more pictures in the garden when I got home .

Finally after picking Tara up from school and taking her to ballet, the sun looked stunningly large as it was heading behind the horizon....

So for the first time in a very long while I was stuck with the awful delema of trying to pick one picture from about 30 favorites ..... I settled on this one, but did I pick the right one these arethe rest what do you think?

Thanks to everyone for their best wishes for Hari..... he seems a lot better today, but is still far from himself ...... I think the tantrums and nightmares and night tantrums are all related to his illness .... we shall see once he gets better properly..... heres hoping anyway.

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