Simply Me

By Suze981

Haggis again?

Tonight I am celebrating a burns supper at the Glasgow Art Club, of which my friend Angela is a member.

Angela is my oldest friend, not age-wise, she's not 80, but she has known me the longest. We met at the young age of 13/14 and she's been leading me astray ever since!

Tonight we're here with her husband David and friend Zoe. This is where they got married so it's a special place for them. We are the youngest people here tonight. And so, we decided to construct alter egos. I Annabelle the amnesiac. Angela is a socialite, Zoe an assistant mortician to the stars and David is Cornelius Winklebottom the third.

Angela has befriended Josephine and the two are pictured here. It's already a good night and I can see it getting more and more raucous!

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