La vida de Annie

By Annie

Charlie... a 17-year-old PAT dog, who likes nothing better than being stroked and fussed over. He exudes calm and well-being, and will happily flop over on his back for a scratch under the chin, or look lovingly into your eyes while you stroke his ears. I met him today at Neurosupport, which was hosting a Neurological Alliance M.P. Event. A dozen local MPs and Lord Mayors were visiting to be shown the facilities and work done in the building, and to answer questions and listen to opinions posed by invited guests from the community who use it. The aim was to raise awareness of the needs and problems of people with neurological conditions, and hopefully get those addressed by people with the power to initiate solutions. I volunteered my time to take pictures for their website and for press release of the event. Despite the impressive amount of gold worn by the "Chain Gang", and the high profile of the guests, Charlie remained the most sane and charming creature in the building.

Addendum: Thank you all for the lovely comments yesterday. I've also had some feedback from people I speak to on a support group forum; apparently I've described how it is for many people, some of whom are unable to express it for themselves, so that is a good thing.

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