Beachlands Nickaz

By Beachlander

The Den

Us girls got left at home today, while the Husband went off and did manly chopping wood. One of his friends has a farm, and is routinely chopping down a tree each year to harvest for wood. Anyone who turns up to help, gets a share. So today has been chopping, and tomorrow is chopping and allotting.

We had a lovely morning, where I did some essential weeding in my herb garden (that was some much needed aromatherapy, a bit low, but not so low after that). The girls were very helpful emptying my weed buckets into the compost bin, and in between times had built this Den using umbrellas and the deck furniture. They had a lovely time reading to each other and had Stella and Ethel (their bears) in with them.

This afternoon, the Youngest had a party to go to in Spinnaker Bay, so they scootered there, and it was so hot, that the Eldest and I ditched our plans to walk home and do some jobs before scootering back, to spend some time with my dear friends who also live in Spinnaker Bay. Very happy that they are back in NZ, they spent the last 18 months in Toulouse, and I missed them very much.

BBQ for tea tonight, YUM!

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