What is it...

What was it that inspired me in the first place?
What was it that I found so compelling in the beginning?

Sometimes when in doubt I ask myself and I've done it a few times during this daily blips/pictures journey. Especially the previous few months when I felt so out of energy in general. So far it has helped.

During the Christmas I got a few nice feedback that helped, too. One was from a farther whose daughter's bd party I photographed close to the Diwali - he told me later that the grandpa faraway in India and missing the grandchildren had been so very happy to see all the pictures from the party. (Can you get a better a reward..). Another one came from my sister in law, they had been delighted about some extra wedding party images that came out nicely. And the third one was a little note from my friend between a Christmas card that warmed my heart especially :)) (Kiitos Sanna!)

(Same questions apply to my work, too, even though there's always other more practical reasoning behind that.)


I hope you're all having a splendid weekend!

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