down the bunny hole

By flopsybunny

Frosty Tops

Goodness me it was a cold one last night, it went down to -15! It could have been even colder! When we awoke this morning we were treated to a wonderful site. The frost had encased everything in glistening white crystals & it was like everything had been frozen in time. The pure white against the bright blue sky looked truly amazing. So on went the wellies & out I went, I knew I wanted to blip the eucalyptus tree because I could see it through the here it is.

This afternoon I had a hairdressers appointment, so into town we went. I left Mr F having a coffee & a mooch about. Afterwards we met up on the market square. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a little wooly hat on the fencepost, at first I thought someone had found it & had put it there for safe keeping but then I realised that all the fenceposts had hats on & not only that but they had been specially knitted small enough to fit snuggly on top........strange! See an example here

Hope you are all keeping safe & warm.

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