
Managed a little bit of blipping with Pesky Princess today after we dropped Mrs P off down the town to meet up with her friends from work. Popped across to Tayport and took this down by the harbour. The most timid duck we've ever encountered. Didn't mind us standing right next to it or getting up close with the cameras.

5.5 drinking hours later we recovered Mrs P and one of her friends, both of who'm had a little too much to drink. She's funny when tipsy, but is now feeling it after having snoozed on the couch for a while so has been sent to bed whilst I deal with a callout from work.

Funny line from Pesky earlier today when tucking her tshirt into her trousers and we could see her belly - "Its OK Dad, there aren't any pedo's about!". So matter of fact and straight faced that it had me in stitches.


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