horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


Bad things today: 500mm lens has started playing up again (i.e. is dead); no Smew at Blindwells.

Good things today: Got Mel out in the car for a spin (the last 2 weeks the only external ventures have been to the hospital); bought some GF beer.

Listening to Radio 4 in the car going out to Blindwells in the morning they were talking about the 'ban' on praying before Council meetings down south. What an absolute storm int he teacup, and all media created. How so? Well would you believe that there is a lack of presentation of the full facts bordering on misrepresentation by the press? Yes? You would?

You see the judge's opinion has not 'banned' prayers absolutely... What he has 'banned' is prayers being a formal part of proceedings at which all council members are essentially forced to participate. Starting to look a little less unreasonable now isn't it? So prayers can still take place, just before the formal proceedings begin, and which those of other faiths (or no faith) don't have to sit there uncomfortably offering thanks to someone else's god.

Oh, and the ruling is for one council in respect of which the action was raised. One. The other councils could quite easily carry on as they are. Anyone complaining could also go to court, could raise an action, and use the precedent of the recent ruling to help form their case. The court on that day may not agree. Common law created by the courts is very very different to legislative law created by parliament.

So what we have is a 'ban' for one council that doesn't stop them doing what they're already doing just not forcing others to take part if they don't want to. That's it. That's all.

Don't let that stop the media outlets turning it into the greatest threat to Christianity in this country since... well... last week if you believe the Daily Wail.

A former archbishop was on the radio. You'd hope that would mean he'd have read the judgement... It appears not. Instead this was just an example of the 'marginalisation of Christianity' in the UK. Oh please. Firstly I'd have to say that the church does more to marginalise itself given stances and arguments on subjects such as homosexuality and female practitioners. Secondly, surely if your God is the true God and the only God and the omnipotent God then he won't let Christianity disappear? I would imagine even a Biddeford court wouldn't have authority over God come the day of reckoning.

Personally, if I was religious, I'd be storing up a great big raspberry to blow at all those people when I was proved right, and not whingeing about the fact I think I can't pray before making a decision on bin collections.

Eeh, not ranted properly for a while. I packaged up the anger about the lens not working. Hey! Maybe that was divine retribution!

(loved this this morning - field of Woodpigeons, loads more just out of shot, overseen by a Buzzard).

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