
Mommy sent me out into the dark cold night to buy supplies for our starving family. I was going to go to Stop and Shop but my gut told me I'd have better sucess with King Kullen. Good thing too for I ran into my long lost love Renee. When she was just a wee freshman baby I taught her how to hurdle and now three years later shes so old with a job and everything. I'm so happy we were reunited, and also super happy about the free chocolate croissant she gave me. Mmmm.

I went on a double date with Rek, Metra, and my date for the night G. We saw the Vow and it was frustrating and I'm sure G hates me because I basically talked under my breathe the entire time about the stupidity of their actions. But, in the end I did like the movie.

"I decided long ago never to walk in anyone's shadow; if I fail, or if I succeed at least I did as I believe."
-Whitney Houston

May she rest in peace.

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