One of five a day

By KiloRomeo

Look who's got talent

I am back with better news. I am seeing better ...not the same as before ...and not always the same ...but better. :) I still have to stitch bits of what I see, together.

Thank you so much for your kind words, thoughts and concern for me. I am moved by the cheer you all bring to me. MaggieD brought out my favourite Blue Roan to see me today. Thank you, MD xx :)

I needed to go into music shops today to buy some equipment for my mum, who I see next week, when I travel to India. Yay! Some time off ...long overdue.

On my wander, I was distracted by the TV show, "Britain's Got Talent", being filmed at Festival Theatre and stopped to take a few Paparazzi type shots...

Simon Cowell ...and again

David Walliams

Alisha Dixon ...and again

Ant and Dec

And the rest of them

Pics from Toy shop...
More Guitars


Still more guitars

I guess, I am trying to prove to myself, I can still take photos, even though I can't see them clearly. So please overlook the overdose.

I am not yet comfortable spending a long time at the computer ( but I just have :-| ) , so please forgive lack of comments or prompt replies.

Thank you all again for your kindness and goodwill.

Do be well, friends xx :)

BTW, the soft focus effect is closer to what I am seeing ...the left side of the image is lacking definition and darker.

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