LL Cool Jim

By LLCoolJim

Land Ahoy

Here's the wee fella trying to steer MY Eala Bhan - the floating office his Gran has run for the past 16 years or so. It's moored on The Shore in Leith.

Sadly, this week or next will see her depart the old boat for pastures new. She ran the business office for Gilmour & Stamp Architects (Latterly just Stamp really). David Stamp was the main man. He was the "architect" behind the dawn of the warehouse/bond conversions in the Shore area of Leith and transformed it from what it was to what it is. A few Blippers will know what I mean by that.

Unfotunately he died suddenly at the end of last year and my Mum has been tying up the loose ends of business since. The two men she saw most regularly in life died four years apart just before Christmas, aged 64 of sudden heart attacks.

Here was the initial article in which she paid tribute to him and the following day these plans were hurried through as a tribute to the Leith visionary: "Shore Regeneration Man".

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