wooly wonders

By biblios

Meet Dexter

Meet Dexter, he is 10 weeks old and the new puppy of my neighbour! he is very sweet and small enough to break out of her garden still! Hence I got to meet Dexter, in the road complete with waggy tail and nipping teeth.
He was born on the same farm as his owner was born :-) and just around the time she lost her last dog.
We got to introduce the moggy moos as both kittens followed me over to see what was happening! Midnight got a few feet away, but with a fence between them, even if both of them could go through it :-). While Smokey sat further away and moved if he moved towards her! Very funny and sadly to quick to get a picture of :-( but I do hope they all learn the others are not a threat and coexist!

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