
By CharChar

Riley's Christening!

Woke up early today to start the getting ready process for Riley's christening! This started with washing my hair, drying and straightening! followed by make up and finally getting dressed!

Been as I didn't have a date I took my Nan been the good granddaughter I am! Put the postcode in the sat nav for the church and ended up at the wrong church! Believe it or not there is more than one St Nicholas's on church rd who'd of thought it!

Got to church with time to spare amazingly! After the Church was the christening party, eat loads of food held loads of babies and noticed the room was only full of women and kids... All the blokes had gone next door to the pub for the Wolves WBA game! After Wolves were loosing miserably one man after another started to appear sulking!

Home now with a cuppa and a piece of christening cake!

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