Photography By Natasha

By PhotographyByMe

Happy Birthday... my gorgeous baby boy Kian. He is 2 today, been thoroughly spoilt and been swimming, which he loves.

Next weekend is his proper birthday surprise, we are taking him to London as a birthday treat with his big brother!

Two years has flown by, he is growing so fast, everyday.

I hope my child,
Looks back on today,
And remembers a Mum,
Who had time to play.

There will be years,
For cleaning and cooking,
But children grow up,
When we are not looking

Cleaning and scrubbing,
Can wait till tomorrow,
Cos babies grow fast,
We learn to our sorrow.

So settle down cobwebs,
dust go to sleep,
I'm cuddling my baby,
And babies don't keep.

Happy birthday baby x

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