
By patrona

If you go down to the woods today....

In the forest adjoining our house are many untrodden paths and steep descnts to the valley of the river Ser.

Wandering aimlessly today seeking a blip, I stumbled, literally, upon this 'font' buried deep in the steep sides of a ravine and about to be covered by the encroaching ivy. It lies in a stream bed which is dried up and from the look of it hasn't seen water for many years.

It is roughly built in brick and stone with a stone panel in front with a spigot and bearing the inscription:

I can't imagine the reasoning for building it. It is too far from any habitation to serve a water supply mechanism, it is neither efficient nor practical as a mini dam, but it must have been erected for some purpose, unless of course it was an early workfare initiative by the local government.

PS Although the ivy is growing, there is not 100 years of it, therefore as an afterthought someone must be going down and cutting back the undergrowth from time to time . The mystery deepens!

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