
Late walk down the canal this afternoon through pale grey Lancashire mists.

This shot is quite as it was taken and in colour, except that there was very little colour to be had.

So grey and yet so beautiful, peaceful and tranquil.

I enjoy putting photos on blip.
I enjoy the process of taking photos to put on blip.
Last night I even dreamt about taking photos for blip.

I love taking photos of the canal.
Different seasons.
Different weather.
Different times of the day.

I dreamt last night that I looked out of the window and the course of the canal had changed. Instead of heading straight on as it normally does, it now took a sharpish left past my house, which was brilliant!

It gave me a brand new perspective, which meant that the light was different, the landscape was different, everything was different!

It's usually pretty good as it stands, just the way that the navvies built it all those years ago and I can testify that the Leeds Liverpool canal was back on its' original route this afternoon.

And the forecast for tomorrow...? A positively balmy 7 degrees.

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